As a nineteen-year-old girl, I believe I've seen or personally been through a lot of phases. There's the girly phase, emo phase, quiet phase, and many more. As children become adults, they hit many of these phases, but there is one that should stick.
As an adolescent, there is one trait I have appreciated seeing in anyone I come across. These people truly understand how important it is to stop and just focus on the conversation they're engaged in. Not only are they kind, but they listen. I consider this to be the "pre-middle school" phase if you will, or even the "opposite of bullying" phase (the name's still a work in progress).
This phase cannot be summarized into a short name because it's based on a wide range of actions as well as a change of heart. The people who possess this mindstate are truly one-of-a-kind, meaning they are too unique to be defined by one word.
The phase I am speaking of is one that's main attributes are kindness, determination, adoration, and the readiness to assist others at all times. Those who express these traits listen to others with not just their eyes, but their mind is engaged as well. They are a kind face full of sincere wisdom to those who need it. They are the voice of those who haven't found their own strength yet. They are "a breath of fresh air" on a suffocatingly hot day. These are the people that I strive to be like.
This phase is often one found in children before the "real world" hits. They do not feel too shy to speak their mind and often believe they should stand up for what is right. As a preschool teacher, I can not guarantee that every child acts this way (they definitely don't), but have you ever noticed how a child doesn't discriminate against anyone?
Another example can be found on the playground. No one seems to be left out the same way they are in middle school and beyond. Children take the term "ignorance is bliss" and live it to the fullest, making their actions reflect how they genuinely feel.
Now, adults who possess this phase often have come to that point through a hardship. The more someone experiences, the wiser (and usually kinder) they become. This isn't necessarily always the case, but it has played a large role in the softening of one's heart.
I am not saying you should sell all of your things and become a missionary. However, we can all be kind in the lifestyles we currently hold. Ask yourself when the last time was that you were truly present in a conversation. Another important question is concerning the last time you helped a stranger by holding a door or noticing they're down and being the kind face that talks with them. This phase is certainly an optional one to go through, but I hope that as people go through their own experiences and grow, they will learn to develop this mentality just as others have.