I used to worry every day about every little thing. Whether it be if I made a good grade, what the future held, or even as drastic as worrying about dying. I would worry myself sick to the point that I physically could not sleep and I was filled with never ending anxiety. I would get crippling headaches and feel sick constantly. It's crazy to think that worrying could cause something so abrasive but the phrase "I'm worried sick" isn't a joke. One day after listing my worries to my mom she said something very interesting. She stopped me dead in my tracks and said, "What you need to do is give it to God and then just go to bed."
This was baffling to me. How would all my worries drift away by just saying "Here you go God." That seemed incomparable and ridiculous at that moment. But, I was desperate for sleep and I myself wasn't finding any answers so I pulled out my Bible and came across two really interesting verses. The first was Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God , which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." While worrying I was never thinking about prayer. I was looking for help through my parents and friends, which is OK, but your main source of wisdom and knowledge should come from God.
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He is there to help you fight your battles, but first you need to give him the control to do so. The second verse I found was more blunt and therefore struck me harder. Matthew 6:27 "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Worrying will not help me. It will not help me live longer, pass an exam, or solidify my future. It will run me dry and it will waste my time. God gives us his shoulders to put our burdens onto. He gladly accepts them and wants you to full let him take control of your worry. We hold parts of our lives tightly to ourselves when they would be safer with God. God keeps all promises so when he says that his peace will transcend over you he means it.
So I tried the give it to God and go to bed situation, and I can happily say God has taken pretty good care of my worries. Better than I ever could.