If you give a girl Starbucks, she’s going to order a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
When you give her the latte, she’ll probably be wearing Lululemon, a Kendra Scott necklace, and Alex and Ani bracelets.
When she’s finished, she’ll ask for a latte costume for her pup and post it everywhere because her pup is so cute, and she obvi gets bragging rights...
Then she’ll want to take a selfie to be sure she is still being basic. When she sees her selfie, she might notice she should post it to Insta.
She’ll probably want as many likes as possible, and when she sees that not as many people liked it as she wanted, she’ll probably add “might delete later” to her caption.
She’ll start re-editing the photo and will probably repost it. She may even come up with a completely new caption.
When she’s done, she’ll probably want to watch New Girl. So, you’ll have to get her Netflix set up with a blanket on the couch. She’ll get comfortable in her oversized tee, and readjust so that the lighting is hitting her perfectly.
She’ll probably want to send Snapchats (with the puppy filter of course) while she is lounging and use words like “probs,” “totes,” “tbh,” and “omg” while she is acting like her life is SUPER exciting when really, she’s. just. sitting. on. the. couch.
When she uses that slang, she will feel like a bo$$. She will ask for some Nutella, and she will eat it with anything and everything.
When she is finished, she will watch Keeping Up With the Kardashians with a face mask on and some wine (#girlsnight #winewednesday #WineWednesdayEvenThoughItIsMonday).
Then she’ll want to go shopping in her leggings, booties, oversized sweater, and Kate Spade purse. Which means she’ll need fall weather.
She will document the outfit on her Snapchat or Instagram story, and it’ll probably end up being on both.
She will have a friend take a candid photo of her laughing against an artsy wall as well (aka red brick…), and she will add a filter to it to assure herself that she looks like a lot of likes with her tan skin and pearly whites.
Looking at the selfie will remind her that she’s basic. So… she’ll ask for some Starbucks. And chances are if she asks for Starbucks, she’s going to want pumpkin spice to go with it.