When I was five years old, my parents gave me my first journal. At the time, I never thought a little pink book with a lock and key would become one of my most prized possessions. I underestimated the power of putting a pen to paper – I didn’t think my words mattered.
I spent countless nights wrapped up in a blanket on my bed with a pen in hand, feverishly scribbling words onto paper, the words coming to mind faster than my hand could write. Little by little, I learned to tell stories – my own and the stories of others. Writing became an outlet; it was a time where I could speak clearly and concisely, knowing that I’d said all I needed to say without the interruption of others. Over time, my journal became my safe place and escape. There’s something about staring at a book of empty lines that is liberating and freeing – what a gift it is to be able to write anything I wish in any way I choose.
When you give a girl a pen and paper, you give her an outlet.
You give her a space where she can speak from the heart in its fullest capacity, without fear or judgment of expressing the raw, unguarded thoughts that come with the experience of being human.
When you give a girl a pen and paper, you give her a chance to grow.
You give her a place to develop emotionally and intellectually as she deepens her understanding of herself and the world around her.
When you give a girl a pen and paper, you give her perspective.
You give her an opportunity to reflect through her words, past and present, and see how quickly life changes. In a dynamic world, things that seem important at one point can become obsolete at another. The worries of yesterday may be long forgotten today.
When you give a girl a pen and paper, you give her power.
You give her a book of blank pages excited to be filled and you give her endless opportunities to fill the empty space. It becomes HER story. Her pen can take her in any direction she chooses.
When you give a girl a pen and paper, you give her the greatest gift of all – a voice.
A voice is a gift that deserves to be heard. Use it.
“No one can tell your story so tell it yourself. No one can write your story so write it yourself.” – Unknown