Having an older sister is one of the best things that anyone could ever have. Everyone always assumes that their older sister is the best, but believe me when I tell you that I truly have the most amazing older sister in the entire world. When you give a girl an older sister you are giving them...
1. Someone Who Will Guide You
When you give a girl an older sister, you give her someone that is always there for her. From the moment I was born, my older sister has always been there for me. Whether it was giving my twin sister a horrible haircut when were little, or letting me eat lunch with her everyday my freshman year of high school, my older sister is always someone I can count on.
2. Someone You Can Copy
When you give a girl an older sister, you give her someone to copy. I admire everything about my older sister and would often show her by stealing her clothes and shoes. Whenever anyone would ask me what store I bought these amazing outfits from, I would always give her credit by saying "Maya's Closet Incorporated". I will never forget how she was not afraid to wear the same Halloween costume with me when she was a Junior in high school and I was a freshman. She always did little things that meant the world to me.
3. Someone Who Goes Through Everything First
When you give a girl an older sister, you give her someone to learn from. She was the first person n our family to get their permit, first one to get a car, first one to have a Sweet 16, first person to apply to college, the list is endless. My older sister had to go through everything being the guinea pig. I often learned how to do things the right way after watching her do it the wrong way. I owe all of the registration short cuts, lessons on how to be a "boss", and the in's and out's of dorm life from my older sister. Without her guidance who knows where I would be now.
4. A Best Friend
When you give a girl an older sister, you are giving her another best friend. Without my older sister, I wouldn't have had the creativity to run away in our barbie jeep, have anyone to play cops and robbers with, and would not have had stomach aches from laughing at everything she says.
5. A Hero
When you give a girl an older sister, you are giving her a hero. My older sister is my hero and someone I aspire to be. She has an incredible "can do" attitude with everything she does and never lets anyone or anything stand in her way. She is not afraid to be herself, and has an uncanny ability to be the best at everything she does, or will practice harder than anyone to achieve perfection. I feel extremely lucky to have her to lookup to and love her more than I could ever express.