When you give a girl a brother, you give her a best friend. You give her someone to run to the gas station with, someone to hang out with, someone to be a role model to. When you give a girl a brother, you give her a protector. You give her someone to be protected by, someone to judge every guy she ever brings home, and someone to make sure she is always safe. When you give a girl a brother, you give her a teacher. You give her someone to teach her how to fish, how to hunt, and how to be a tomboy. When you give a girl a brother, you give her a new life.
Having a brother is one of the best and possibly worst things that can happen to someone. They teach you how to do things, they help you, the protect you, and they help you experience a new life. The worst things about having a brother is fighting (fist fighting), sometimes annoying, and gross. Although having a brother is awesome, we don't realize it soon enough,
My brother has put me in headlocks, hit me, and called me names he didn't mean. But, he has also asked me to go with him to the gas station, go out and get food with him, and watch movies with him. Some days, he is too busy for family; some days, he'd rather be with his friends or fishing. But sometimes, he'd rather hang out at home and watch a movie or grab some food with you.
When you give a girl a brother, you give her a blessing in disguise. He will always be there for you even if you ditched him one time for your friends or you made him mad because you got your fishing line stuck. He may roughhouse with you, he may push you around and call you names, he may test your patience, but that is what brothers are for. They are there to help you throughout life and help teach you any lesson they can through many ways whether it be through annoyance, fun, or rough housing.