When going through the recruiting process, many young athletes talk about how they refuse to play Division III. They will talk about how it is "embarrassing" because they know they're better than that. They feel that Division III teams don't work as hard as Division I or Division II. Believe it or not, I felt this way when I first began the recruiting process, and here I am now about to begin my third season as a Division III volleyball player, and I could not be happier with my decision.
Going through the recruiting process, I didn't know much about Division III schools. All I knew is that if I were to get an offer from a Division III school, I was not going to accept it. All I knew is that most Division III schools were small schools that no one has ever heard of, and I assumed that they saw their athletic programs as a joke, and I wanted no part in that. I was so wrong. Division III schools are typically small, but their athletics are not a joke.
When I first visited my school, I fell in love. I loved the campus and the girls on the team, and I felt very at home. I was still very skeptical, because the school was Division III, but I just couldn't shake the feelings I had when I visited. After a few long conversations with my dad (who was a Division III athlete himself), he convinced me that Division III wasn't so bad and that I should give it a chance. That night I called the volleyball coach to let her know that I was committing to play volleyball for her for the next four years.
Coming in to my first season, I didn't know what to expect. The girls were all so amazing and made me feel so welcome, but physically it was so draining. I had definitely underestimated how hard Division III teams work in the gym. I quickly learned that athletics are taken just as seriously as they are at a Division I or a Division II school. We were in the gym constantly whether it was for a practice at the break of dawn or a lifting session at night. After one practice, I wondered why I ever felt like Division III wasn't good enough.
Going Division III has also benefitted me in more ways than just on the court. It has given me opportunities to be involved in things besides volleyball, where a Division I or Division II school would not allow me to do so. I was able to rush a sorority and hold a leadership position on programming council, and I still had time to focus on my academics. Due to the small student population of Division III schools, I have been able to build close relationships with my professors, and they are very supportive of athletics which is a major bonus.
At a small Division III school you may not be getting the "college experience" all of your friends at bigger schools are getting, but that doesn't mean you should not give it a chance. Going Division III is one of the best decisions I could have made for myself, and through this experiences I have made friends and memories that will last a lifetime.