Give A Damn About The Earth Every Day, Not Just On Earth Day | The Odyssey Online
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Give A Damn About The Earth Every Day, Not Just On Earth Day

The clock is ticking.

Give A Damn About The Earth Every Day, Not Just On Earth Day

As social media becomes more prominent in everyone’s lives, often comes the need to share more content with those around you.

But at this point, it feels as though everyone is always kind of looking for an excuse to post something. And in that vein, Earth Day is around the corner. And as was the theme with last Earth Day, I’m sure this is what I will see: lots of beautiful pictures of oceans and forests and most of all, expressions of love and gratitude for this lovely planet. Which I have absolutely no problem with.

The problem arises in that people only seem to care about the Earth on this one specific day. Beyond that, the Earth and its problems fall by the wayside. People would like to express appreciation more than they would actually like to appreciate. Every day we live on this beautiful planet is Earth Day. And more than anything, we have to start acting like it. The clock is ticking.

According to United States Agency for International Development, one-third of people will be facing “severe” or “chronic” water shortages by 2025. One study found that up to one-half of all plants and animal species on dry land could face extinction by the year 2050.

If greenhouse gases continue to get pumped into the atmosphere at their current rate, the Arctic basin will be ice-free by 2040. Pollution affects over 100 million people and is considered one of the biggest killers globally. This isn’t the premise for some sci-fi book, and these aren’t far away issues. This is our reality. And this is now.

So, what can you do to help?

Let’s start off by giving a damn about the Earth year-round, not just on a national holiday. You can also help by changing your diet; one pound of beef takes around 20,000 pounds of water to produce. Not only that, but studies have shown that livestock bred for consumption account for around 20% of greenhouse gas emissions (more than all forms of transport put together).

The little things count. And not only do they count, they add up. You can also help the environment by being conscious of your water consumption; taking shorter showers, and turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth.

Turn off a light when you’re not in the room and unplug appliances when you’re not using them. Use reusable bags when you go shopping. Use Tupperware instead of sandwich bags. Buy a reusable water bottle, instead of springing for Dasani. Carpool. Buy locally. Start composting. Scale back car usage. And recycle, recycle, recycle.

There are a million ways you can help, but it all starts with you. Treat every day like Earth Day. Stay aware of the issues, educate yourself, and look up other ways you can help the environment. Because there is no plan B.

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