I've found that one of my favorite things that are different between high school and college is winter break. For me, my break is an entire month long, in between semesters, and, therefore, I have no homework to do. My classes are done, I've gotten my final grades, and I've spent this entire break worry free, essay free. This is the light side at the end of the tunnel, kids, winter break in college means no work. Herein, I think, lies an issue that we all face in college: motivation to go back.
After you've been free from the stress of 3 exams due in one week, it's hard to imagine having to go back and do everything all over again. You feel like you just recovered from the previous semester, and then you're thrown back into it all—the stress, all of it. It's hard to "make" yourself get up and go back to campus after you've had four weeks of sleeping in till 10AM and free laundry. It's hard to imagine yourself sitting in the library until it's pitch black outside because you have an essay and two exams on Thursday after you've spent the past month staying up until 2 in the morning watching shows on Netflix.
I know that I've been going through this whirlwind. On one hand, I wish I could get back and just get this next semester over with—it's long and tiresome and I just want it done. On the other, I thoroughly enjoy sleeping in my own bed and being able to smother my cat until she hates me. It's hard to see myself back at school after being home for so long. But I think there is a key component to finding the motivation to go back.
I think that an essential part of finding the energy to go back to school comes from finding your own reasons. For me, I can't wait to see my friends again. I'm also fairly excited about a few of the classes I'm taking next semester, and I'm looking forward to absolutely crushing biology. Finding your own personal reason to go back seems to be a good strategy for actually wanting to go back. Maybe it's having more independence again, or maybe you're just really excited for classes again. Whatever it is, find what will be a good motivation for you. It actually works wonders.
Another thing that I find particularly motivating, that I think is universal for most of us going back to campus soon, is that the sooner we go back, the sooner we're done. My school works on a two semester schedule, fall semester and spring semester. So, when I think about it, I only have one more semester left in the school year. The quicker I go back, the quicker my last semester of the year is over.
Moral of the story is, you don't have to be excited or ready to go back to school. In fact, I don't think I know a person who is 100 percent ready to go back. But, if you can find something that will drive you to go back to school, it'll make packing your bags and leaving home again only that much easier.