We have all heard the story of the boy who cried wolf, and this isn’t about liars or getting attention. This is about the girls who cry wolf and no one can hear them. This is about the girls who cry wolf and society while society turns the other cheek. This is about the girls who cry wolf and no one is there to help.
We live in a society where many females are treated as these very appealing objects, when yes we are attractive but we are also human and deserve the same respect as everyone. You may hear a lot of women joke about an interaction with a guy, if he was not her type she may refer him as a “creep” or “weirdo” and sometimes it's a joke and in some cases it's the truth but it's not easy to categorize them as dangerous because often times we don't know that.
We are going to call those men who lurk in their dark shadows, the ones that don’t want to be seen as wolves. The men who think it is acceptable to talk to a strong female with such vile coarse language.
The reason I call it ‘calling wolf’ is not to say that a woman calls every man she meets bad and is seeking attention, she calls wolf so many times because she has met men who have not made her feel safe.
And there are times that she may not say it, she may look completely happy and content with life but you don’t know what she has been through. You cannot see that certain events and certain people may terrify her because someone, some Wolf has taken pieces of things that were once nothing, to become some bad memory.
There are so many times that a girl has cried wolf and she actually meant it. At this age, meeting someone new, it is hard to tell what the intentions are to the guy or girl you’re talking to because the communication is unclear. At this time, when a woman is helping you while you shop in her store does not mean she likes you, she’s just doing her job.
These wolves are everywhere and they don’t always hide in the dark, they appear as our bosses, managers, law enforcement, and friends. They can be found anywhere, school, malls, the grocery stores, and even just walking through the parking lot.
A beautiful girl is not an invitation for you to follow her, to stalk her, to make her feel uncomfortable. A woman does not have to be polite to someone that makes her feel uncomfortable and not safe.
There is a lot of injustice in the world and rape culture is just one of the many things that are overlooked by society. Sexual assault and Stalkings are not seen as crucial issues in society because a girl has cried wolf.
To every woman who has ever felt a sudden fear and anxiousness walking past a group of belligerent men, having to grab their phones or keys to brace themselves from any danger, to avoid eye contact and keep on walking, to pretend they didn’t hear the howls from men who think that a woman would even like that…. You keep on walking.
To the girl who cried wolf,
You are heard. You are strong and you are brave. You are not the one to blame because of your beautiful soul and appearance. You did nothing to provoke someone to make you feel uncomfortable. You have a bright sunny persona and it makes anyone attracted to you, but it will NEVER be your fault when someone takes advantage of that.
Sincerely all women.