Being a girl has always been chocked up to ballet, cheer and other girly things that we are used into. Now I danced myself, but that doesn't mean I can't have knowledge and know how to play football; running a proper route isn't that hard, my wide receiver friends. Being one of the few women in my Sports130 class and my male professor who thought the idea of me becoming a contract attorney was ridiculous. Even the simple idea of me wanting to put on the Giant game seemingly makes my male counterparts confused. Don’t worry, I wont offend you with yelling "touch down" during a baseball game. Here are some things I cannot stand about men and sports:
1. You dismiss us!
Not every girl is as into sports as you, but that doesn't mean they don’t like them. Sorry not every one can spit out fact after fact about every sport, but at least as we know who the Rockets are, boys. If we ask you a question, instead of makingus feel bad, answer our question. If we were never taught stats or about a sport- how do you expected to know? If you were never taught what pointe shoes are- how are you supposed to know? Do not dismiss a person for asking a question about a sport or a stat; learning is a good thing.
2. Fantasy leagues and teams.
I refuse to participate in any fantasy leagues or teams because some guys make it life or death. When you draft a crappy player or someone has a bad game it's almost apocalyptic. Calm down, it supposed to be fun-- not life or death!
3. Saying every player that isn't on your team is bad.
Whether they are apart of the practice squad, a third string QB or get put back in the minor leagues; that player is probably still better than you. “Name one good player on the Spurs.” All of them. All of them have contracts, all of them are making more money than you are right now, all of them are doing what you wish you could be doing right now instead of sitting in class. What they are doing is hard, frustrating, time consuming, tough on the mind and/or body, so you saying name one good player on the ________ is BS; check your ego and sit down.
4. Saying certain sports aren't sports.
Gymnastics, competitive cheerleading, dance, figure skating, etc. All sports are no easier or no harder than football. Can you stand on one leg with your other behind you in the air? Can you jump in the air, spin three times, and land on ice with a blade? Can you walk around on the tops of your toes? Can you even touch your toes? Did you watch the Olympics? Can you do the balance beam? That is not easy and in no way less qualified to be a sport than soccer. On this topic, if you're a guy and you make fun of a guy who participates in any of these sports… please find the door. Male cheerleaders lift girls above their heads and balance them with one arm along with throwing them in the air and catching them-- that takes strength. Male ballet dancers are jacked along with male gymnasts. Can you propel yourself with your arms out next to you on the rings? I once again think NOT!
5. Women’s roles at viewing parties.
If I hear or see "honey, go make me a sandwich; the games on" or "can you get that the games on? I’m gonna flip out." You think I wanna get up when the games on? You can get your own beer at the commercials, dude, just like I will-- so hop off.
6. “Can you catch this?”
The assumption that I can't catch a football/baseball gets me heated. Throw fastballs at me or make me run a decent route-- I'll go to where you throw the ball. I can catch a ball, it's not that hard. Honestly, you act like it's some monumental talent to catch a baseball in a glove or know to put your fingers on the football laces to throw a spiral. Even if a girl doesn't know about the laces thing, fine, I wouldn't put it past a guy to be like "oh, are you gonna drop the ball?"
7. Just because we are females, doesn't mean we don’t appreciate sports.
I have been watching football since I was a little girl. I grew up playing whiffle ball in the backyard of my grandma's house with my uncles. Just because I danced, doesn't mean I’m not capable of loving sports!
I know not every man is like this, but enough are to say something! I’m forever going to love athletics and sports of all kinds. Being a female does not make your opinion invalid on sports!