Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt broken and lost? Or as soon as you get on your feet again, life knocks you right back down and you're suddenly back to square one? I have. I have felt this and so much more because although we may not know each other or maybe have never even spoken before.
I am just like you.
Growing up as a girl I know what it is like to struggle, to have insecurities and doubts about my choices. We're not alone in this. I write this article today as one of you -- not characterized by any name or label.
I am just a girl who has lost her way in life and I am trying to find my way back.
There are days I may seem to have it all together, and truthfully, I may even feel like I do. There are other days I feel as low as ever and, no matter how loud I scream, it seems nobody can hear me. It's the days when you know you put your whole life into someone, amounting to nothing more than awkward glances in the hallway.
You can't help but think to yourself: "How did it end up this way?"
Sound familiar?To my girl's who have lost their way, listen to me carefully. It's going to be OK. For starters, I want you to breathe and listen to my words as you continue reading.
You will figure out your life plan. We're so young and free and beautiful that we don't have to have it all figured out in this very moment. Hell, I don't even have it figured out and I am supposed to be an "adult" here pretty soon.
The boy you swear you'll never get over, you will. Trust me on this. Give it 5 months and by month 3 your heart will begin to heal and by month 5 you will be confused as to why you ever even cried over him. Don't worry if you feel like you've hit rock bottom. Guess what? We all do at some point in our life.
I cannot tell you how many mornings I have looked in the mirror and asked myself "What am I doing with my life?" The beautiful thing about hitting rock bottom is there is only one way out -- and that way is up.
Let's say you didn't get into your dream college. I know it may feel like the end of the world and you put so much blame upon yourself for not succeeding. But this was god's plan for you. He has something so much bigger in store for you wherever you may end up that you cannot even possibly see yet. Learn to trust in him.
If you aren't a believer than just know that the universe has a funny way of giving us things we NEED, rather than what we WANT. There is a reason for all of this, hold on to that unknown reason.
The bottom line is: IT IS ALL GOING TO BE OK. You will get your dream job one day, you will find a perfect guy who treats you like the way you're supposed to be treated. You will find your way back and get to where you're going eventually. Just take's a little time and faith.