You are so strong, but this is a letter to you, saying it's OK to not be OK. It's OK to cry. It's OK to scream. It's OK to be angry. This is a letter telling you that it is OK to feel and to let your emotions go wild sometimes.
There's been too many times that I've I seen girls become too strong (yes, there is such a thing as being too strong). They become emotionless. They build a barrier so high that they don't even recognize themselves anymore, and in the end, it ruins them.
I've seen really nice girls become completely emotionless because they've been strong for too long, and they don't realize that by having emotions and showing them, it can actually make them stronger and happier. I have seen wonderful, powerful women break because the pressure to be strong for so long is hard and it can wear you out.
It's important for all girls and women to know that it is OK. You are not "weak" or "dumb" or "just having girl problems" because you decide that you've been strong for too long. You are strong because you let your emotions show. You are strong because you know that having the emotions that come with the pressure to be strong doesn't make you weak or dumb.
Emotions are what makes you raw, and sometimes, they are super scary. Once you are comfortable with your emotions, the things that once bothered you will lose all power.
Therefore, by having emotions, will make you tough in ways that you could never imagine, and tough is what you should be. You should be able to feel strong without being afraid to cry or scream or get angry every once in a while.
Life hurts, and time doesn't always heal all wounds. Nonetheless, this is a letter to all girls out there, saying, "It is OK to let the barrier down every once in a while." It is OK to let yourself go and not be so strong. Eventually, even the strongest can break.
"A strong woman is one who feels deeply, and loves fiercely. Her tears flow just as abundantly as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and powerful. She is both practical and spiritual. A strong woman, in her essence, is a gift to all the world," -Anonymous