As spring break approaches, females tend to stress about having the perfect body. The gyms start to become more packed at all hours of the day and girls talk about cutting out carbs and sugar. BUT WHY?
To my fellow fabulous females, we are MORE than a “spring break body.” I understand if you want to make a lifestyle change and live a healthier life. However, there is no reason to cut out meals and spend hours at the gym just for this one week.
Here is a little reminder why. You are beautiful the way you are. If a boy or girl doesn’t like you for who you are and the way you look, then they don’t deserve you with abs and maybe a few pounds lighter.
You also only live once. Eat that bagel and enjoy that pizza! Spring break is one tiny chapter in an entire book. It is all about having fun with your friends! Just a tiny reminder, your friends don’t care if you have abs or not.
It is so upsetting that we live in a society that says you can only feel good in a bathing suit when you look a certain way. WHO MADE THIS UP? I think women look their best when they are radiating with confidence. Walk onto that beach with your strut and smile, and you will be the hottest girl along the water.
Happiness comes from within. Your body should not control your happiness. So just remember these thoughts, enjoy your week in the sun, and know you are perfect just the way you are!