"I would be offended if no one ever called me a slut, it would mean guys didn't want me and girls weren't jealous of me!"
Okay... understandable... I guess? But why is it that we think this is the way we should be receiving compliments? Why are we shaming each other? When you see a girl you don't know you shouldn't feel in competition or intimidated in any way... There should be a universal law that girls have one another's backs. I don't care what a girl has or has not done, we all have our own reasoning to our decisions. We are all harboring pain, please remember that. You have no right to judge the correctness or sin in what another person does and it is definitely none of your business. As a female, I completely understand that we all have some sort of crazy going on in our heads. So accept that some women's crazy is a bit different from yours, but we all still have insecurities and fears! Let's help each other out. Imagine how much easier life would be if bitches were no longer bitches but they were your main bitches... ones who support you and respect you, no matter the relationship you do or do not have. We owe it to one another!
A few things that one of my sorority sisters said to me really stuck with me and that was, "Having a group of girls supporting you is pretty fucking dope and at the end of the day that is our purpose." How true is that? Granted, Becca is exceptionally beautiful inside and out, we should all realize the honesty in this comment! ALL of us girls should be each other's main bitches. (Now I realize I am speaking of women respecting fellow women and I did just refer to women as 'bitches' but c'mon, it's okay to say that we are each other's main bitches... It's a compliment.)
Stop hating the girl who is interested in the guy you wanted — he's the one whose wrong and girls gotta stick together.
Stop passing on the things that you hear. Words hurt, you know this!
Complimenting someone instead of saying something negative about them is honestly so rewarding and can make your day as well as the person's that you complimented!
Like every girl's selfie that you see. You go girl!
Stop going out of your way to interact with a guy just to show another girl that you can. We already know that most guys will go for anything...
Stop worrying what another girl wears. She'll wear what she's comfortable in and if she's not comfortable in it, which happens, it took a lot of nerve for her to wear it and I'm sure she's judging herself enough for the both of you.
Remember that we all have flaws. Learning early on in life to only worry about yourself and not what other people are doing is truly golden. If you don't want to do it for other girls, do it for yourself. It's a stress relief and an immediate sense of peace.
Now I am not saying that I am not guilty of doing these things, we're all guilty, these are just a few things to keep in mind. Let's stop the madness 'cause having a group of girls supporting you is pretty fucking dope.
Let's embrace who we are because we rock.