7 Things Girls Who Play Video Games Are Tired of Hearing | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things Girls Who Play Video Games Are Tired of Hearing

Gamer girls exist, and we can kick your butts any day.

7 Things Girls Who Play Video Games Are Tired of Hearing
Cute Girl Eva Wen

It's no surprise that video games are thought of as being a "guy thing," and we all heard about it when #GamerGate trended on Twitter, so why is it, in 2016, that girls still have to deal with such a sexist culture in gaming?

Personally, I'm Minecraft kind of girl. I first played it with my best friend on her Xbox and was in awe of her intricate rail system and vast farmlands. Her diamond armor was meticulously made and protected her against creepers and skeletons and Endermen. I didn't realize my brother also had server, so when I told him about this game I wanted to try, he pulled out his computer and showed me his mansions. It was soon after that I got my own account.

I don't often tell others that I, an 18-year-old girl, play Minecraft, and I never openly tell people I've played Mortal Kombat. The few times that I have, I, along with many other girls, get bombarded with questions and accusations from guys who are trying to prove that we are phonies, or somehow lying to try to seem cool. Here is a list of all the things that I personally am tired of hearing.

1. Really?

Whenever I tell someone I play video games, this stark look of disbelief comes across the nearest guy's face. Or, if I'm playing live and can't see the person's face, their voice just drips with disdain. Yes, I really play video games. It shouldn't be that hard to believe.

2. "Get back in the kitchen!"

You just don't want me showing you up. So sure, I'll go back to the kitchen. Where all the knives are... :)

3. "You're not bad for a girl."

This one is just flat out misogynistic. You're implying that girls as a whole are not as good as guys. I can be surrounded by 20 mobs armed with nothing but a wooden sword and still come out on top. Heck, if we're playing Mortal Kombat I can knock you out in seconds. I'm great, period.

4. "You play Minecraft? Your house must be so cute!"

This one wouldn't bother me as much if not for the fact that this same person asked my brother whether or not he'd faced the Enderdragon a few sentences later. My brother is on a quest, fighting monsters and slaying dragons. I'm apparently a homemaker, making decorative carpet in my spare time. *eye roll*

5. "The only way you can be that good is if you're fat and ugly."

Gamer girls are already hypersexualized, but now if you're actually good you are unworthy of attractiveness. Also, nobody would ever say this to a guy. Guys don't have to choose between beauty and brains, it's only a dichotomy for women. My contour is on fleek and I'm still kicking your butt. Deal with it.

6. "Your character doesn't look like a girl. You're basically lying about yourself."

Never mind all of the female characters in Mortal Kombat are in skimpy outfits with their breasts hanging out, for example,

Maybe I want to be Reptile because I value stealth and loyalty and he's well-meaning and has an intricate backstory. Maybe I want to be more than just eye-candy.

7. "If you really played, then you'd know [insert microscopic detail of game that has absolutely no relevance to normal play]"

I'll admit, off the top of my head I do not know the exact attack strength of a creeper. I kill them before they blow me up and that's all I care about. Why do I need to prepare myself for a pop quiz every time I express interest in something that is typically considered a male interest? Whether it's gaming, guns, or sports, girls all over have had to deal with having to know stupid information about everything before we get taken seriously.

Gamer girls have to put up with a lot. Even when guys are trying to be nice, there is often this subconscious misogynistic tendency to treat girls differently when it comes to gaming. One thing's for certain, though. Telling me to make you a sandwich isn't going to stop me from beating you.

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