Obviously, girls are a little more complicated to understand than guys. While there are lots of speculation as to why, and there are varying levels of "crazy," here are 10 things girls do that make no sense but will happen as long as there are girls.
Girls will always go to the bathroom in groups.
Going to the bathroom alone is intimidating. There's always another girl in there, and you have to wait by yourself. going with a group makes it feel more like an adventure.
Tell boys to do something and then get mad at them for doing that thing.
We've all been guilty of this. "Go out with your friends, it's fine!" In reality, we don't want them to go out without us. Then we get mad and petty about it every time even though we told them to do it.
Take at least 50 pictures and only end up keeping one.
We have to hit every angle, in multiple lighting, and we will never post a sub-par picture. We have to take AT LEAST 50 to get one we like... it's really a struggle.
Say we aren't hungry and then eat all your food.
We THINK we aren't hungry, but then your food comes and it looks so good, and we just need a bite... or two... or 10... boys should just learn to order more food than necessary when we say we aren't hungry because we'll eat part of yours.
Want boys to text us but then leave them on read/ignore them.
This REALLY makes no sense because we want to talk to you, but sometimes we just want to feel in control so we don't text back. It only makes sense in our minds. Just give us an hour or two, and we'll cave.
Only be able to decide what we DON'T want to eat, not what we DO.
I'm so guilty of this. I can name 50 restaurants that sound horrible or stuff that does not sound good at all, but when asked what I DO want, I never know. I literally plan out where I want to go when I have to pick a day or two before so I have time to think about what I want and plan around that. It's crazy.
Picking the TV show/movie and then instantly falling asleep.
I do this literally every single time. I'll pick a movie that sounds SO GOOD, and then five minutes in I'm asleep on the couch and I wake up at the end. It's honestly frustrating, and I'm surprised my boyfriend hasn't learned to just pick something he wants to watch.
Hype each other up in the bathroom but then gossip .05 seconds after leaving.
Girls in the bathroom are the biggest hype men alive. They'll tell you how hot you are, how cute your outfit is, and BTW, they love your jeans! However, .05 seconds after leaving, they'll tell you how stupid Jane is for staying with her lame boyfriend who cheated on her and how that girl's outfit is so horrible.
What other crazy things can you think of that girls do?