There are many days in a girl's life that are super important. Girls look forward to their prom, their first college formal, their engagement, and definitely their wedding. For any of these events, women are determined to always look their best. They have to be prepared for any possible camera opportunities. The best part about being prepared, is going to the salon to get ready for these events. Here are some of the things I absolutely love about going to the salon:
1. The Smell
This is probably not good for anyone health-wise, but there's something about the smell of hair dye mixed with shampoo and conditioner. I don't think I would like it if I worked in it all day long, but just for a few hours I love the smell of the hair chemicals. It hits you as soon as you walk in and leaves with you as you walk out.
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2. The Excitement of Uncertainty
You usually have an idea of what you want to be done to your hair, but sometimes you may not describe it right, or the picture you have to give isn't exactly how you want it done. This causes a small amount of uncertainty to be planted within our brains. The entire time I am getting my hair done, all I can think is, "What if it's terrible? Or not what I wanted?! What if I can't pull it off?! This is totally going to look stupid!!" Most times, you are stressing over nothing, but sometimes it really does go badly.
3. Your Tin Foil Crown
It is always funny seeing everyone around you sporting tin foil crowns. I feel as if I could transmit a message to an alien from outer space when they begin placing it on my head. Plus, if you're always cold like some people, going under the hair dryer is kind of nice for a while.
4. Shampoo and Conditioner
My absolute favorite part of going to the salon is when they wash my hair. If I could pay someone to wash and comb my hair every day, I might do it. It is very relaxing and at this point it is almost time for you to see the finished product. While they are washing your hair, you almost forget about being worried if it is going to look stupid or not.
5. The Cut
This can be a crucial moment where your hairstylist can make or break your time spent at the salon. I have had multiple bad experiences when only getting my hair trimmed. This is also the time to decide whether you want to switch it up, or continue with your normal cut.
6. The Final Product
This is my second favorite part. Sometimes hair stylist will turn your chair away when they're blow drying and styling your hair, so they can wheel you around to the mirror for the big reveal. This is the time you make your decision whether you've had a great experience, or if you won't be coming back. It's what you've been waiting for, so it's super exciting.
I love going to the hair salon and if you've never been to one, you should give it a try. But if you like box coloring your hair, that's fine, it's just fun to try something different every once in a while. I hope all of your hair cuts and colors are beautiful and everything you've ever wanted!