Wentz 912... It definitely has a ring to it. At least, I think it does. The room started out bare with nothing on the beds or walls, but I made it my own. This room brought me a lot of memories that I will never forget. It was a very, very small room, yet it was filled with so much love and laughter. Recently, I got to move home and I was able to reminisce with my friends about the memories we made in the small 10' by 16' room. The room became empty and the cleaning staff came through to make sure everything was in line and clean for the Special Olympics to come live in for the summer. Then, August will come and two girls will come and make the room theirs, just like my roommate and I did. So, to the girls who make Wentz 912 theirs:
I've thought about you two countless times.
When I first moved in, I wondered who lived in my room before me and I wondered who would come after me. I wonder if y'all will be scared to start your college journey in a new place and a fresh life. I'm curious to know if you did a potluck or if you two came in best friends, already knowing everything you could about each other.
The window is broken.
I'm sorry I have to tell you this one honestly. And no, maintenance will probably not come in and fix it, but that's okay. Just remember that when it rains (and the rain does indeed beat on the windows very hard) a little will sneak in each time.
Your room is home for the next few months, so treat it as such.
Yes, there will always be a place that's miles away that you call home, but home is where the heart is. At some point, you might start calling your dorm room home and that's okay. I did it, and you probably will too. Decorate however you want, because it's all yours! A tapestry on the wall by the door makes the room feel warm and homey.
Your room holds some of the most precious memories.
I started my freshman year with no one I knew and I ended the year with the most amazing people, leaving some amazing memories behind in that room. Whether you're coming from Oklahoma City or Alaska, this room will make you feel right at home. Your room is where I let three of my friends dye my hair pink (because why not?!) my spring semester. Your room was filled with many laughs (and many tears). So, enjoy this room just like I did. When you look back, I imagine you both will feel the same exact way I do now. Make as many memories as you can and definitely leave a note under where the lights turn on. (There's a lot of interesting stuff under there, too.)