Let's be real, being a girl can be tough at times. One day, we're happy-go-lucky, the next day we'll cry at the drop of a hat. We're emotional, sometimes insecure, sometimes we feel unwanted and other times we're just fine. But, here's the thing, we've all faced these terrible feelings at some point or another.
I've observed the attitudes of many girls over the past few months from the ages of 3 to 63 and not much changes. If I had to take a guess, I would say a girl's biggest bully is another girl. What confuses me about this is a lot of girls don't even know why their feuds start. Many girls dislike another girl just because she exists.
What hurts my heart, even more, is a lot of the gossip, cattiness, and jealousy is occurring among girls who claim to be a Christian. I have news for you girls, Jesus loves your enemy as much as he loves you. He died for them just like he died for you. Once you wake up to this realization, your whole perspective will change.
So what can we do to change our attitude towards each other?
1. We need a change of heart.
We cannot expect for things to just change. We have to pray for the Lord to change us first and reveal to us where we have been wrong.
2. We must pray for our enemy.
If someone is being difficult, maybe they've just had a bad day. Pray for them. Pray for them like you would want someone to pray for you. If you disagree with something they're doing, pray for the Lord to reveal Himself to them. Pray blessings over your enemy.
3. Ask the Lord to show you how to love your enemy.
4. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "kill them with kindness," well, it's not just a saying.
Responding calmly when someone expects you to be outraged does so much more than you know.
5. Start now by encouraging other girls.
Hey, we all face trials and hard days, that's one thing we all have in common. If you can't think of something nice to say to someone, you're not thinking hard enough. Just a simple smile, and a "have a nice day," could be what turns their day back around and before you know it, a friendship will begin to form. One that you never saw coming.
6. Be the example. It may take some time, but when your enemy sees that you're no longer up for the fight, they will start backing down too.
Believe me when I say I know how hard it is to get along with some girls. I too have been a victim of cattiness, and gossip. But I would be lying if I said I haven't also been on the flip-side. I have. But here's the thing, it didn't benefit me at all and trust me when I tell you it will not benefit you either. This attitude is self-destructive and you will start demolishing every relationship around you. Contrary to popular belief, it is not "cool" to be a mean girl. I know, the movie "Mean Girls" makes it so appealing, but if you notice, no one actually liked the four mean girls. They talked bad about everyone, including each other. They caused division among their school, peers, and their inner circle. They were self destructive.
I'm not saying you should be best friends with every girl, but if you surround yourself with other sweet, Jesus-loving girls who have the same morals as you, it will be so much easier to resist the urge to gossip. If God is in the center of your friendship, sin cannot exist.
Us girls need to stick together. We live in a cruel world and already face so much. Let's encourage each other and build each other up. I want to challenge you to say something encouraging to every girl you come across this week. Let's see how we can change this world for the better by working together for the good of everyone.