An Open Letter To My Middle School Self | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To My Middle School Self

Trust me, it gets better.

An Open Letter To My Middle School Self

Dear Middle School Self,

Trust me, it gets better. The early teenage years can be very challenging, but take it from me... from yourself. Don't let people convince you to change who you are. You are a very unique person, and that is perfectly OK. You don't have to spend money on clothes you don't like just so they will like you. You don't have to wear makeup to "fit in," and you don't have to pretend to be friends with someone so that someone else will stay friends with you. All of the drama does not last, and soon you will develop your own sense of style and of self.

You've done a very good job in school, and you will continue to be successful with your academics as you grow older. But you can't hide the bullying and things that are bothering you, and causing you to feel badly about yourself. Don't hold them inside -- they will only come back to haunt you in the future. Talk about them now, while the wounds are still fresh. The bullying will end, but you don't have to go through it alone. You have some fantastic resources and amazing teachers who would do anything to help you through this. Talk to them! Talk to mom and dad. They are all there to help you. And I promise you, you are better than those girls who laugh at you and call you names. Don't let them win. Keep your chin up, and keep that smile on your face. But don't hold in the things that, deep down inside, you really want to tell someone.

What would you tell your little sister if she told you she was being bullied in school? Well, take your own advice and act on it. Because, as much as I wish there is something I could do to help you, all I can do is tell you to talk...don't be ashamed. Be who you are. In the wise words of Dr. Seuss, "You are you, that's truer than true. There is no one alive that's youer than you". You need to realize that you are a great person, despite what the bullies try to make you believe. You are not fat, ugly or stupid. You are beautiful, talented, creative and smart. The years ahead of you will bring their own unique challenges, but you have all the strength and support you need to get through them. Confide in the teacher who always knows when something isn't right. She will help you. You are going to be OK. Soon enough, the girls who bully you will realize that there is no reason for it and they will eventually stop. Just promise me that you won't stop being you. Because I am very proud of the person you have become. From the perspective of nineteen-year-old you, you need to promise me this: tell someone about the bullying you are going through. Talk about it. Make my life easier.


Your 19-Year-Old Self

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