Some people say that guys and girls can't just be friends, but I say that is a load of bologna. I’ve always had guy friends and right now I consider five of them some of my best friends. Girl, as opposed to a guy, best friends are really different, but they are both good in their own ways. It just poses a different way to exude yourself in certain situations.
First off, guys are a lot less dramatic than girls a lot of the time. Sure I’m generalizing, but there have been way too many instances where girls have made things more complicated than they needed to be. I guess this explains why I had a lack of girls in my friend group in high school. Guys are just more "go with the flow” types of people.
However, on the other hand, it can be drama central if you get romantically involved with a friend. Take it from my experience, it’s really hard dating a friend. Everyone else seems to always have something to say about it, plus it raises a bunch of questions. What happens when we break up? Will we still be friends? Will all our friends still be friends with each other? Or will they be forced to pick sides ruining the friend group forever?
Some people think that’s why you should avoid dating your friends all together. It’s really hard in some instances though to not catch feelings when you are surrounded by the same guys all the time.
There are also some things that are hard to talk about with guys. Like if it’s your time of the month, and your guy friend asks why you aren't feeling well-- what do you do? You don’t want to lie to them, but then again, guys always get weirded out when you talk about periods. Though at a certain point in every close friendship, these kinds of situations aren’t even awkward anymore.
Then there’s always a lack of understanding on the guy’s part. “Ok let me shower and change real quick and then we can go out,” he’ll say for example. Twenty minutes later and they are ready. Guys can just throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and be all ready to go. Meanwhile we girls have to do hair, makeup, and find the perfect outfit. Guys will just never understand the process we have to go through.
Guys do give amazing advice a lot of the time. Considering they are guys, they know how other guys think and can give you advice on how to approach certain situations if you find yourself having a potential love interest. Girls tend to overthink things when it comes to guys and guys have definitely pointed that out to me.
Also always remember to keep a dirty mind when around guy friends. If you say anything remotely wrong sounding then you will never hear the end of it and wish you didn’t say anything. I have a much dirtier mind now thanks to my guy friends and I will forever blame them for corrupting me.
In the end, whatever gender your best friends are, always appreciate them. It's also important to note that guys and girls can just be friends, it's a real thing and it always will be. I’m so grateful for my guy friends and I owe them a lot with how much they have helped me get through some tough times in life.
So thanks a lot boys. I’m forever thankful.