A girl's biggest critic is...herself. She is the first thing she sees in the morning and the last thing she sees before climbing into bed at night. We are constantly aware of our own insecurities, trapped inside them. Blemished skin that just won't clear up, an extra couple pounds you've been trying to lose, or teeth that have been much too stained by a daily cup of Joe.
We surround ourselves with negative thoughts about ourselves because we feel it is the truth. Why is it that during this critical time in our lives, we put ourselves down while unintentionally dragging down those around us as well?
Rather than concentrating on your own insecurities, we should celebrate the bodies that have been gifted to us. We cannot all look like models, plastered across the covers of magazines. They are unattainable and completely constructed with photoshop. Had God intended for us to all appear similar; we would not be able to showcase our own unique characteristics.
Let’s hear it for the redheads. I know people who would die for that natural color. And the girls who think they are too tall to wear heels? Strap on a pair of Steve Madden wedges and push past the insecure boys who are too shy to talk to a confident woman.
I challenge each and every one of you to step outside your box and think about what makes you, you. Celebrate the little things that make you unique and I promise it will make a difference. Positive attitudes are contagious. Your own self-praise will go a long way to encourage other women to do the same. In the words of the High School Musical cast, we’re all in this together so take a look in the mirror, give yourself a great big smile, and encourage the women in this world to do the same.