Seriously, whoever said diamonds were a girl's best friend did not know what they were talking about, because my best friend forever will be my first dog named Baby. When my sister and I were young we both got a dog. Mine was a mix. She was all black and the sweetest thing you ever met, unless you messed with me. My sister's was a yellow lab named Honey, also one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met!
Well all those years went by and we grew together and we became inseparable, she was the best thing that I had in my life. I could tell her anything without having to worry, because no matter what I said she was still going to love me with everything she had. We went through the hard times of middle-school, and most of high-school together. She got me through it all. We would lay on the floor with my head on her stomach and just watch tv or just lay there.
I dreamed of the hardest day of my life, but I didn't think it would happen as soon as it did. I refused to believe that she would not be here for many more years to come. As we all know to well a dogs life is too short, but we make the best of it while they are here. It's what we have to do to make their life what they deserve.
I remember it like it was yesterday, May 29, 2014, we had just got home from a softball game, I was the first through the door. I saw her laying there and she had slipped and her legs were out from under her. I stayed up with her through the night, this was a hard night for me but I had to be there for her like she had been for me in those fifteen years we had together.
The next day she went to the vet for us to find out she had cancer, and she wasn't coming home. My dad couldn't look at me so I knew it was time. It is still hard to accept, but now i know she is in heaven playing with her sister Honey. It has been over two years since that day, but it still is hard to think that she is not here anymore. I miss my best friend, but if you know me you know that I have finally gotten a puppy.
Not that she can replace Baby, but it was time! Her name is Ellie and she is the cutest little mix i have seen since my dad brought Baby home many years ago! Just know if you do have a dog make the best of it while they are here, and be the best owner they could ever have.