You’ve seen her before.
She’s scribbling something in her planner as she sits in the corner of the classroom. With the spare thirty minutes she has in between classes, she’s Face-Timing her friend who lives halfway across the world. She’s also trying to turn in an assignment early because she knows her girls are counting on her to show up Friday night.
Nobody is questioning her because it looks like she’s got everything under control. In reality, though, she’s just really good at acting like she’s got it all figured out. To be quite honest, she doesn’t have every single little detail planned out, and that’s okay. She tries to live in the moment, but it’s hard not to think about the future when you don’t want to relive the past.
She chases opportunities, but not people. Not once has anything ever been handed to her on a silver platter, she’s had to work for everything. She doesn’t complain because she’s found that it gets you nowhere in life. Rather she tries to maintain a positive mindset, no matter the situation. It’s gotten her very far, and she encourages others to give it a try.
Sometimes it’s hard for her to give 100 percent on everything she does, even if she’s already on her second venti coffee of the day. Sleep, that’s what she needs. But not until she works for a little bit longer. That doesn’t mean that at any moment she’d rather just curl up in a ball and cry because it’s gotten too overwhelming. The people that she’s trusted have let her down, which makes her wish she didn’t always believe in the best in people.
After a while, she steps back and thinks, “Maybe I am doing too much.” She wouldn’t want to spread herself thin, but the moment she has a block of free time, it’s like sheer panic. “I’m forgetting to do something; I know I am.” She really needs to give herself a break, she needs to acknowledge that you get what you give, and certain people just aren’t worth her time.
You think she has it all, but that’s not true. Yes, she’s got a job she actually enjoys, an internship that challenges her and a group of motivating friends, but she still deals with guys who claim they are just “too busy” to make plans with her. Too busy? They ain’t seen nothing yet.
She doesn’t have time to waste waiting around for some guy, she’s got a million other amazing things she could be doing. She doesn’t have time for people who aren’t driven like she is. The way she looks at life is simple: YOU were put on this planet to do incredible things, so get up off your lazy ass and start acting like it.