Recently, I was chatting with one of my friends about a couple of guys who are probably (definitely) interested in me. She asked me to tell her about them and I began to describe the. When she asked if I was interested in any of them, I said no, receiving a sad-faced emoji as a response. I jokingly sent her a text telling her that it was okay, I'm not girlfriend material.
And, if I'm being serious, I'm not.
I'm not the girl who likes to spend all day texting back and forth. Sure, I like to message occasionally, but I would much rather see you face-to-face. I don't want to sit all day waiting by a phone and I don't think you should either.
See Also: For The Girl Pretending To Be Over Him
I'm not the girl who wants every moment of your entire day. I want to be involved in a variety of activities. I want to devote time every day to bettering myself and trying new things. And, I want you to take opportunities too.
I'm not the girl who cares about your looks or what you wear. I care about your mind and your soul. I want you to stand up for what's right. I want you to respect other people. I want you to respect me. I want to have conversations about religion, social justice issues, and every other big topic that we can think.
I'm not chasing a title. I'm looking for a partner.
I need reliability and I deserve it. I want someone who is trustworthy, hard-working, and devoted. I'm worth honesty, and so is my partner. I have goals that I want to achieve.
Now, having these requirements does not belittle the importance of having feelings. If anything, having someone who can meet these expectations should make your heart beat even faster. Not only do you enjoy spending your time with them, but they're here for the long haul.You shouldn't settle for someone who doesn't meet your needs. It's okay to be picky. You are worth finding the person who meets all of your needs.
I want someone who cares about me as much when I'm in yoga pants as when I'm dressed up. I want someone who knows how to work together. I need someone who can communicate their feelings instead of playing games. I want someone to build and share an empire with. I want someone to see the world with. I want to find the right person to share my life with.
I'm not looking for a short-term muse. I'm not looking for someone to be a profile picture and a placeholder. I'm looking for the person who's best for me. I want to become a better version of myself because of this person's presence. I want to help them to grow into the best version that they can be. I want to work together. I want to find my best friend in life.
I know what I want and I'm not afraid to wait for it.