Be a girl who runs because she’ll venture out in the world. Five blocks, 10 miles, or marathons of adventures. Be a girl who plans road trips for races and soaks in her environment and the nature and gorgeousness around you.
Be a girl who runs because a girl who runs can be difficult to keep up with, but it’s ok because anybody worth loving will want a girl who keeps them on their toes.
Be a girl who runs because a girl who runs knows how to get her own heart racing. Be a girl who will do the same for her lover, if they're lucky.
Be a girl who looks at food as fuel, not an enemy. A girl who runs knows her body is a gladiator, a warrior that needs energy, but who also deserves that piece of chocolate cake the night after kicking ass in a big race. Be a girl who eats bowls of pasta and stacks of pancakes and sees them not as calories, but as inches in miles.
Be a girl who runs because a girl who runs knows how to be alone. Even if before you started running, you were afraid to eat alone or shop alone or go to the movies alone, that all changes when you're not afraid to race down the pavement alone. You get lost on trails and in your own head and discover something new about yourself with every mile you go. You're not afraid to be your own company; in fact, you love it. And because you know how to be alone with yourself, you're that much more amazing around others.
Be a girl who challenges herself. Be a girl too worried about beating her mile time to worry about keeping up with gossip or drama or trends. Be a girl more interested in improving herself.
Be a girl who runs because a girl who runs knows how to adapt. Sometimes you need to sprint, and sometimes life takes endurance and long strides and slow breathing for hours. A girl who runs knows the difference.
Be a girl who runs because there aren't a lot of better highs than feeling your feet fall to the beat of your running playlist. Be a girl who would rather feel that than sit on the couch. Be a girl who would rather heal herself that way, with miles rather than the million other masochistic ways possible to deal with pain.
Be a girl who knows how to walk it off when you get hurt.
Be a girl who knows how to work. Be a girl who knows how to plan for marathons, and knows that off days are ok. Be a girl who knows that even one second off your record means progress when you're working towards cutting a whole minute. Be a girl who knows how to translate that mindset into every goal you set for yourself. Know how to translate it to relationships, too, because a girl who runs is also the best kind of patient. A girl who runs knows how hard it is to improve herself, and will be that much more forgiving when her lover is trying, too.
Be a girl who runs because it's gonna give you legs for days and an amazing ass.
Be a girl who runs because you live for the finish line. Doing things half ass isn't something you'd ever even consider. A girl who runs sees things through and gets shit done.
Be a girl who runs because she practically embodies the word “trail blazer” and that's the best thing in the world to be.