I giggle all the time. Shopping is second-nature. I paint my toe nails. I like wearing dresses and heels. I am madly obsessed with Disney princess movies. I squeal when I get excited and I love a good “girl talk.” I exemplify many characteristics of what is known as “girly,” but above all, I love that I am who I am.
I love saying I’m a neuroscience major and that science intrigues me. I like that my schedule is booked from morning to night with science lectures, readings, discussions, and labs. I love that I aspire to one day enter into the professional field of medicine and to use my knowledge to help those around me, but above all, I love that I am who I am.
However, I don’t love it when I’m told that I’m "too girly" for science.
I have far too often heard people tell me things like, “Wow, you’re too girly for this” or “Good luck being like that as a doctor.” And as disheartening as it is to hear both people who barely know me and people who I have known forever say those kinds of things to me, I don’t let it stop me.
I may talk the way I do and dress the way I want to. I have certain actions and reactions. I have special hobbies and passions… just as everyone else does. However, the way others perceive how I dress, speak, and what I do doesn’t dictate what I choose to pursue or my qualifications for something, nor will it ever.
I know I possess many of the characteristics typically associated with feminine behavior, and I love it. But I also know that I have a brain and a heart for science, and I love that.
There is no such thing as being “too girly” for anything, nor is there such a thing as being too much of a certain thing for anything. I will never stop pursuing science, just as I will never stop loving Disney princess movies, online shopping, and my constant episodes of cheesy jokes and giggle-fits.
A Girl Who Loves Science