Coming to college I had to deal with something that I really didn't have to deal with in high school: boys. (The all girls, private Catholic school struggles, right?) But recently I've been noticing a trend. In our lovely generation, the trend of the hookup culture continues. In the past year I've had more than my fair share of friends come to me to vent, scream, cry, yell, ect. about guys; and what I've noticed is almost all of them blame themselves for what happened even though most of the time after hearing the story it clearly was not. However, when the boy comes running back they immediately return and almost always end up hurt, again. So this is for the girls who think that every time something goes wrong with a guy that it's her fault, but continues to go back anyway.
Don't text him and swallow your pride.
Just let the flame die.
Cause if he really had wanted you he wouldn't have said goodbye.
He wouldn't have told you lies.
He wouldn't have let you cry
Yourself to sleep every damn night.
Thinking you weren't good enough
Thinking about all of the stuff.
Thinking about maybe it's all your fault.
Because baby girl it's not.
Stop thinking you did wrong.
Stop listening to his favorite song.
Stop hearing his voice in your head.
Stop going through all the texts you sent.
It's done baby, it's over
And now its time for you to start over.
Time to build up your walls again and time to dry your eyes.
Time to say goodbye to those overthinking sleepless nights.
What's done is done baby, you cant go back.
No matter how hard you try there's no way to change the past.
He had a grip on your heart and took it with him when he walked away.
But listen to me baby one day it'll be worth the pain.
Cause one morning you'll wake up to the man that you love.
A man who wants to give you the world but still doesn't think that's enough.
And you'll look back on this time and realize
That all those stupid long nights and all the times you held on so tight...mean nothing.
That boy who's beautiful eyes made you melt.
That boy who made you have feelings you never before felt.
And then left you with a pain that you had never before dealt
With...means nothing.
You're gonna have your heart broken baby girl there's no way to avoid it.
But you have to be strong you can't just go and sit
Around and mope and hope he'll come running back.
Because if you do baby when you see him with another girl you're gonna feel like you got slapped.
Maybe one day he will come back to you with open arms,
But you are not to let him in without him realizing he did you wrong.
You make him beg, you make him plead.
You make him pour his heart out until it bleeds,
Into him on his knees crying to take him back screaming "Baby, please"
"I fucked up I know and I shouldn't have let you go. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me the others don't compare.
I just want you to know I'm sorry I wasn't there. What I did was wrong and dumb but baby without you I feel numb.
I don't want you back, I need you.
I need you to believe that all these words I'm telling you are true."
And in that moment baby girl it's big decision time,
Do you really love him enough to risk being hurt again but let him back into your life?
We all make mistakes it's just a part of life.
There's gonna be people in this world who stab you in the back right through to your heart with a knife.
But baby girl keep your head high.
And don't you dare cry yourself to sleep because of him at night.
Its not worth the fight with your inner demons
Because listen to me baby girl everything that happens, happens for a reason.
You gotta kiss a couple frogs before you find your king,
Before you find the one that truly makes your heart sing,
And your eyes shine like the stars in the sky
But until then keep holding on baby girl, you're gonna be fine.
I know it's something that easier said than done, but do yourself a favor: let him go. You may not think that there will be someone better, but I promise you there is. You'll find the one that messes up your lipstick and not your mascara. You're young, you don't have to have everything figured out, especially love. You will get through and you will be happy. (There's always puppies.)