Dear Beautiful,
I know you're feeling a bit down and out right now, but rest assured that you are not alone. Life is hard-really, really hard. There's all of this pressure from everyone. Your parents want you to succeed. Your friends want you to constantly be able to be on the go and there whenever they call. Your employers expect you to not have anything else going on so you can devote your entire life to them. School expects you to understand the concept the first time and get perfect grades. Society expects you to be pretty, fit, sane, and wealthy.
NEWSFLASH: no one is all of those things. It would be impossible to be perfect, fit into the mold that society has created, and remain sane all at the same time.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret though. Are you ready? You don't have to do it all or be it all. You just have to be you.
I know what you're thinking. Wow, what a cliche thing to say, let me just go ahead and click away now. Part of you knows that I am right, though.
Here's another newsflash: your worth is not determined by the amount of activities you participate in, the grades you get, the money you make, or what you look like. It is not determined by who you date, who your family is, or who your friends are.
You want to know what determines your worth? Your heart. The kindness you extend to others. Your passion, drive, and ability to go for your dreams no matter how big or small. The love you give and are willing to receive. The feeling you get after you have a really great day. The silly things that put a smile on your face or make you laugh so hard that you have tears running down your face. Those, my friends, are the truly important things in life.
Anyone that tells you differently, well, they don't deserve to be in your life. Don't waste another second on someone that goes out of their way to make you feel small.
So, pick up that pretty head of yours. You are beautiful. You are kind. You are important. You are worthy.
Love always,
Just another average girl