Recently, Donald Trump has come under fire for remarks that quote him saying, “When you’re a star, they let you do it” and “grab women by the [genitals].” The leaked recording has sent the country into an outrage, whether the American public is for or against the Republican Party nominee. When asked about these comments, Trump only defended himself by saying “It was just locker room talk.” Various athletes have tweeted their opinions on the matter, stating that is not what they talk about it the locker room.
I’m personally tired of this election. I've had enough of the mudslinging and scandal. It’s just like when Regina George photocopied pages of the Burn Book in the school hallways. Trump is disgusting if he thinks he can just sexually assault a woman because he’s a semi-famous, reality TV star. However, I was scrolling Facebook and noticed a shared article that one of my co-workers posted. It was a Facebook post defending Trump, saying how “women make lewd comments about men too.” This post got me thinking: How is this similar to what Trump is doing?
Most men have extremely fragile egos, and when you compliment a guy on how good looking he is or if he overhears it, it boosts his confidence. However, if you go saying how you want to do things to said cute guy, that’d be creepy and could get you a restraining order. For instance, I recently fell in love with CW’s The Flash. Grant Gustin is adorable as any guy I've seen, and you can’t tell me otherwise. However, I have my limits: I won’t do or say anything inappropriate because that’s not what you do. EVER. I can look, but sure as hell not touch. But if Grant Gustin decided to pat me on the ass (which I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t), he’d probably get away with it because he’s a guy.
Sadly, it’s another lame double standard against women. If a woman talks lewdly in the office, she’s considered a whore. If a man speaks lewdly in the office, he’s considered a hero. It’s a matter of dominance for men. The way you treat women determines if you’re a man or not. So what's my point? It’s disgusting that Donald Trump views this about women. It’s disgusting that Bill Clinton is a womanizer (To quote my mother, “Bill loves women. Women love Bill.”) and can get away with it for twenty years. Yes, I have a potty mouth. Yes, I like looking at the aesthetics of a guy. And yes, I will talk about that guy behind closed doors. I will not sexually assault him or say it to his face. That's the difference between girl talk over mimosas and "locker room talk," as Trump calls it.