Sometimes in life, we all struggle and wonder if we are going to find a place to fit in. If we will officially be able to not worry what others think, become stress-free. The fact of the matter is, you won't. You will always wonder if you are wearing the right clothes, choosing the right friends, and that you have made the best decision possible.
I hate to be the person to bust your bubble, but I am here to tell you that that worry doesn't go away easily. Let me repeat that: the worry does not go away EASILY. The feeling of not having a place is a scary feeling, and for someone like me, instills worry within me. But it can go away when you are able to find your self-worth.
For me, this is not always an easy task. I love being able to celebrate others and focus on what they are doing. I never like the attention to be on me. I struggle to find the right friends, make decisions that benefit me and ultimately, fit in.
Personally, I want to fit in. I want to fit the cookie cutter mold, and I don't want to have worry. I want the world to tell me I am great without hesitation. This idea of the perfect mold the media has created is garbage. I don't need to fit into the worlds perfect mold when God made me out of HIS perfect mold.
Ladies, you find your self-worth when you find it in the Lord! We as Christians are called to be set apart. We are not of this world, so why should we try to form to the mold that the world has created.
You are going to have bad days, hard day, days where you question where you belong, but when you are in your lowest point and wondering why you haven't found your place it is because you must first find your place within your creators.
I am a perfectly imperfect mess that struggles day in and day out with feeling left out, overlooked, passed over and untimely out of place. But I have peace in knowing that my crazy imperfect life and feelings are all happening within the warm imprecate of my savior.
I do not have all the answers as to why you can fill less than and question where you belong and who you belong to. But I have a firm faith that I am a perfectly imperfect mess, loved by an even more perfect creator, and I never have to question that he will call me his.
My self-worth is not defined by my likes on social media and how well I am forming to fit the status quo. My worth is defined within the eyes of the Lord and what I am doing every day to grow my walk closer to him.
I may not have found my place, but I have an exceeding amount of joy knowing that the perfect place to be is in the warm embrace of the Lord.