There's Nothing Wrong With Rocking Your Weave | The Odyssey Online
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There's Nothing Wrong With Rocking Your Weave

Protective styles are good for natural hair

There's Nothing Wrong With Rocking Your Weave

Girls now what to have long, curly hair, that can do just about anything. When it starts to dry up and have breakage, that is when they want to do the big chop. Say no more, I am here, to save that beautiful hair of yours. Protective styles are styles that has your ends tucked, which will decrease tangles and dry ends. They also give off a healthy look, and the illusion that you took an hour to complete. The most common style women do, is twisting the hair and pinning it up into a bun, but there are so much other options than this.

Instead of dealing with your natural hair, you can do weaves and braids. These are a risky choice, because you want to make sure your hair is not getting pulled tight and you have the right amount of moisture throughout your hair ; Just let your hairstylist know, so that they can work with your hair type and bring supplies that your hair loves. Leave out, is not the best choice because you have hair that is not tucked away, but other styles will work great. Cornrows, box braids, dreads, Faux locs, Havana Twists, French braids are appropriate for protection.

Let youtube be your best friend on this protective style journey. You will find all types of helpful tutorials for natural hair. From head wraps to braids for beginners. Maintaining your hair every night is a full time job, but seeing what method corporate with your schedule is going to be beneficial to you and your hair. Products I use is gel, especially if you want a slick back ponytail. Don't get me wrong, gel and tight does not go with protective styles, but if your ends are tucked away, than you are A okay, sis. I also use coconut oil, a wide tooth comb, water and conditioner mixer, and sometimes Cantu products.

Don't get off track, because your hand and neck hurts. You getting tired of sweeping up hair every night or you running out of products quickly. See the light at the end of the tunnel and keep thriving. Enjoy your natural hair journey girl!!

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