As a twenty-something, everywhere you look on social media you see all of your friends either getting married, having kids or exploiting their so-called #goals relationships.
For those of us who are single and are just living our best life, it can be annoying and a little discouraging.
Speaking as a single lady, my Instagram feed is filled with my friends who are in relationships, getting engaged/married, or having kids. Everyone has their own pace in life, but I can't help but feel like they're missing out.
Most of them did these big life events within two years of graduation. We graduated high school less than five years ago.
I'm not saying these people shouldn't pursue these relationships. I am a firm believer in doing what makes you happy, however, I am concerned that they aren't seeing the world. Most of the people still live in my ridiculously small hometown and never got a chance to leave.
Even if you decide to go back afterward, you should still leave your hometown for a little bit to see what else is out there.
How will you ever know if you like something if you never try?
Maybe you and your high school sweetheart's relationship will work out, they sometimes do. But I wish that more women my age would go out and live their lives a little before settling down so soon.