There's always a point in time in a girl's life where she may need a reminder on how important she is. Whether it's because of conflicts at her job, an abusive relationship, family issues, etc., a girl should always be reminded about the grace and class she holds within. Here are a few reminders to all my ladies.
1. You come first.
Ladies no matter what he tells you or whatever conflict you are in, you always come first. Never push your dignity aside for the happiness of others. Loving yourself and making yourself your priority is one of the most beautiful things you could ever do in your life. This shows that you not only value yourself, but you have the ability to value others because you can't love another without having love for you.
2. Always bring out your inner Beyoncé.
Beyoncé is one of my favorite artists due to the messages of women empowerment in her songs. If at any point you feel less or walked over, always say to yourself, "I shouldn't have to stress over anything because I'm as flawless as Beyoncé." Channel the confidence, grace, and poise Beyoncé has into your stresses and you'll see how easily things will get better.
3. Aim higher.
As human beings, it's natural for us to want to give up at times. Don't. Never settle for less. You're getting too comfortable at your job? Aim higher. Not making enough to cover the bills? Aim higher. Settling for less is the same as betraying your potential.
4. Take care of yourself.
While the grind may never stop, have some time for yourself every once in a while. Take a trip to the spa. Schedule a mani and pedi. Go out with the girls and leave your phone at home. Always make time for yourself because no one else will.
Keep these in mind and you'll have a fierce 2017.