In my opinion, the idea of feminism has been polluted by the media and peoples personal agendas. It's like if you are a feminist, you hate men. If you aren't, well you're just wrong and I can't agree with this. Let me explain the definition of the two from my point of view. Girl power is promoting self-esteem, empowering other women and lifting other young girls and women up. Feminism is advocating for women's equal rights. I know these are oh so similar.
However, we have created a society where women are so important that we disregard men. Feminism is when we believe that women should be put on a pedestal. This is not right. I do not agree with believing every accusation that a woman makes towards a man. I do not agree with believing every assumption that a man makes about a woman and what she "wanted". There is such a fine line and we have that line blurred.
We as women take a lot of crap from society. We are told that we aren't skinny enough, smart enough, tan enough, or even that we just can't do what a man does. This again is notright. That does not mean that we are above men. I do not think that either gender is better or above the other. Feminism definition from the dictionary is, "the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes." I do not think that people who are the faces of feminism are fighting for equal rights, they are fighting for more than equal rights over men. Feminism is not hating men or judging other women who don't agree with you.
Women deal with many things from society but we also deal with a lot between woman and woman. I can talk about girl power all day or even feminism as well, but we will never reach true potential as one community of women until we are nicer to each other. I know that sounds crazy to not judge or give side eye dirty looks to other girls that you see, but that's where it all starts. True girl power and feminism begins when treating each other equals before anyone else.
I am all about empowering each other, complimenting random girls to make their day, and standing one for one another because men really do suck. There are many work environments that do not give women the chance they deserve. Girls need girls. It's always refreshing to go have a girls day and talk about stupid stuff. I will forever love my girl squad. I don't know what I would do without them. I can only deal with my boyfriend for so long(hehe). But, I will not stand for what we call feminism now. I will not hate men. I will not put men down. I will not believe every woman that stands up accusing a man of wrongdoings. What happened to be innocent before proven guilty? Something that is stated in our constitution. I will hate the mean that is rightfully accused and convicted of hurting women. That man can go to hell.
I know that this topic is very controversial and hard to fit my opinion down to 500 words but I hope that you can understand where I am coming from.