Julia Child once said, "People who love to eat are always the best people." If this is true, then I must be one awesome person because if there is one thing I know about myself, it is that I love food! When asked what my favorite food is, there really isn't an honest single answer I can give because I truly love it all. Sushi, Mexican, pizza, pasta, Indian, Thai -- you name it and I guarantee you I will eat it and love it.
Being a girl who eats a lot, I sometimes feel slight judgement when I finish everything on my plate and then get caught eyeing the leftovers of whoever I am eating with. I have found that my ability to finish off a huge meal and still be able to eat more has earned me both respect and slight shock. That being said, food means more to me than just satisfying my hunger; I find that trying new foods and discovering new restaurants brings me both joy and excitement in my life. Along with that, food can be a bonding experience for people. There is nothing better than enjoying a good meal with someone else. I'm sure there are many girls (and guys) out there who feel the same way, so here are just a few things that people who love food will be able to relate to.
Hunger is a familiar feeling because more than 70 percent of the day, you're either hungry or just thinking about the next time you'll get to eat.
You are often caught eye-sexing your friend's food.
This statement is 100 percent relatable and probably goes through your head at least three times every day.
You get way too excited when your waiter finally comes out with your food. After checking over your shoulder every two minutes, there really is no better sight.
One day, we will have to learn that sharing food just isn't a thing. It all starts out civil until suddenly you find yourself eating faster and faster. The tension starts building, and suddenly your shoveling as much food down your throat as you can, glaring at your friend with fire in your eyes.
Going to a party or event and immediately searching for the food. If there is food there, you'll spend more than half the time hovering the table, glancing around and hoping nobody notices that you've now devoured more than half of the cheese plate.
Despite the fact that you're full, if someone puts food in front of your face, then yeah, you're gonna eat it.
Your friends have learned to be careful when eating food around you because the minute you see an opportunity, you're gonna dive in for the swoop.
Sometimes you slightly overestimate your capabilities when it comes to self-serving.
The reaction you have when someone tells you the food isn't for you.
When you haven't eaten in a while and finally get home.
The pure contentment you feel after finishing a huge, satisfying meal is truly the best feeling in the world, but now it's time to start pondering what you'll eat next!