You hear about it almost every day. Someone is pregnant, someone else is giving birth, and someone else has planned a baby shower. We see it all over social media and eventually that one person asks us the magic question:
“When are you going to have kids?”
That’s a funny question. There’s never a question about “if” someone is going to have children, always when. Children are expected in this society, but why? Why does everyone need to have children? Is there going to be a child shortage? If anything, there is a child epidemic in this country.
When I mention that I don’t want children to someone older than I am, they always say, “just wait until you’re older. Then you will.”
Please excuse me while I perform an exaggerated eye roll.
Here’s the thing, Susan. I don’t want children and my reasons for not wanting them are my business! Jeez.
Anyhow, there is nothing wrong with deciding not to have children. There’s no law that says you have to and anyone that belittles you for it is plum wrong.
You’re given three unalienable rights as a human being. To life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If a child does not improve your life or happiness, then don’t have them. Simple as that.
Thankfully, women have finally been allowed the choice to never have children if they so choose! If you don't want them, own it and be fierce while doing it. Enjoy those late nights and lazy weekends in your thirties while everyone else is worried about daycare and school. You'll be sipping on margaritas and reading crime novels by your expensive pool. Save me a drink!