All of my life I have dreamed of meeting "the one". I am talking about the guy who I can spend holiday after holiday and birthday after birthday with. He would know my family and my family would know his family because we have always been together. There is something so comforting about the idea of being with the same person for a long period of time. You get to know them, what makes them tick, their likes and dislikes. It has been proven to me that people that think like me are a dying breed.
Why is this? I genuinely want to know why so many men and women today don't aspire to be in a serious relationship. Are they scared? Do they not want to catch feelings for someone? Do they think they are better of not committing themselves to one person? I have so many questions! The point of having a relationship with someone is to see if that person is right for you. In a sense, you are in pursuit of a serious long-term relationship. That's what going on dates is all about.
Back when our grandparents and maybe even our parents were around our age, dating was much different than it is today.When people went on dates they weren't exclucive.You could have multiple dates in a week with different people and nobody would judge because you were not cheating on anyone unless you were going steady. It was much easier to define a serious relationship. Today people have different ideas of what going steady is and nobody wants to have the "what are we?" conversation out of fear of looking desperate.
Every time you enter a new relationship you have to learn a new person. You have to remember their birthday, their favorite candy, their Starbucks order, what makes them mad. Perhaps even worse than that, you have to give a little piece of yourself away to each person. When you are in a relationship with someone, regardless if you have intentions of making that a serious relationship or not, you give a small part of yourself away. Another person knows your secrets, hopes, dreams and... another person has (possibly) seen you naked. Personally, there is only so much of me that I am willing to give. I will only share those secrets with people who are in it for the long haul. I need to be serious about you and you need to be serious about me or else it's simply not going to work. Point blank.
How much of yourself do you want to give away to temporary people? Date people you want to marry. Look for a future with someone, not a what is good for now.