Confidence is SO difficult to maintain and even harder to establish within yourself. It's not just girls, it's everywhere and everybody. Babies, adults, seniors, teenagers. We all struggle with it. Confidence is all about creating and maintaining an inner peace and satisfaction in yourself despite any mistakes or flaws you may have, and you have to have faith in yourself and your own abilities. It's mainly about believing in yourself against all odds- even when other's don't.
A wise soul once stated that "Confidence is not "they will like me," Confidence is "I'll be fine if they don't." It's easy to feel a burst, a rush, a wave of confidence. The difficult part is to maintain that strength in yourself for a long period of time. You cannot let the people around you break those walls of power and faith, even those who should love and support you the most. Not everyone is going to adore you- but all that matters is that you adore your own self. Self-love is at the root of all things. To give love, you must have love within yourself to share.
Confidence is truly the most beautiful thing that a girl can wear. When you are confident in yourself and have full control over yourself, how you act, how you see yourself, the vibe you give off, the energy you possess, and how strong and courageous you are, you are reaching your fullest potential and happiness. Knowing the person that you deep down truly are can literally save yourself in your toughest moments and times. There are so many deep, dark, and tough moments in which I question my own nature and personality. Have I changed? Am I turning into someone that I do not want to be?
Having confidence does not mean being totally arrogant. To be confident can be to accept your own flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes, and the confidence part is being confident enough to know who you are deep down, to turn things around, enter a new path, and change for the better completely.
To be confident is not to be totally without flaws. To be confident is to either accept them or choose to fix and change them.
To be confident is to not compare yourself to others. Everybody is perfect, in their own special and unique way. As confident women, we should strive to better ourselves, and encourage others around us to do the same. Girls compete with each other, while women empower one another. When you are completely confident in yourself, you don't worry about what the girls next to you are doing. You only worry about yourself and wish the best for everyone else. Inner peace can be completely achieved when we focus on ourselves. You should never spread negativity to others in order to build yourself up and put yourself farther ahead in the game. At the end of the day, this doesn't help you out, this just makes you feel bad about yourself, and how can you feel confident and peaceful when you're stuck feeling bad about yourself?
The most confident and uplifting feeling is one in which you're inspiring others, pushing them to their limits, helping them, and affecting them in their every day lives. Work so hard that you inspire others to, especially young, impressionable girls who need role models to look up to.
To be confident in yourself means not to worry about what others are doing. Only worry about what you are doing, how hard you're working, and what goals you are working towards to accomplish, and whether or not what you are doing is helping you get closer to them.
Confidence should be completely unwavering. To me confidence is to be joyful, excited, hard-working, independent, and full of wisdom, energy, and inspiration. When you want something, go and get it. Knockdown any and all obstacles in your way. Don't let ANYBODY stop you from achieving your dreams. Sometimes, independence tastes amazing. It's okay to be alone sometimes- sometimes reflecting quietly on what we want, where we are, and who we are is just what we need before we can continue our fights for our best lives.
And most importantly, follow your heart. Not anyone else's. You know what you want. Go and get it, regardless of anyone else's input. Work hard for what you want in life, and getting it will taste 10 times sweeter.