To The Girl Who Gave Her Boyfriend A List of 23 Gifts To Not Get Her For Christmas | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl Who Gave Her Boyfriend A List of 23 Gifts To Not Get Her For Christmas

A response to a materialistic unappreciate girlfriend from an extremely grateful one.

To The Girl Who Gave Her Boyfriend A List of 23 Gifts To Not Get Her For Christmas
Huffington Post UK

I seriously debated writing this article because I generally choose to keep my mouth shut when I disagree with something. I'm all for people expressing their opinions and feelings and rightfully respecting them. I'm okay with people putting their opinions online if they feel strongly about something.

However, I also believe in respect. I believe in respecting the people around you who work their butts off to make sure you live an amazing life. I believe in respecting the ones you love and treating them how you would expect to be treated. I believe in respecting your significant other and being appreciative of everything they're able to do for you. And when I see someone being disrespectful, I'm going to exercise my first amendment right and express my opinion too.

An article posted on Total Sorority Move written by user RecruitmentChairTSM (who refers to herself as an ex-sorority girl who survives off the tears of the pledges she personally victimized and compares herself to Regina George) titled "23 Things My Boyfriend Better Not Get Me For Christmas." The article doesn't need much explanation, as it speaks for itself. The list includes rings, clothing, chocolates, anything handmade, fake earrings, a picture, a watch, anything Tiffany, stuffed animals, anything that can't be exchanged for store credit, and my personal favorite, nothing. If you would like to read the full list, you can read the article here -

I was honestly hoping that this article was a joke, but it's 100 percent serious. This girl actually made a list of things her boyfriend better not get her or she will end her relationship. If a list wasn't enough, she also included a reasoning under each item as to why he better not get it.

First off, I'm absolutely appalled that somebody would actually create a list like this, yet alone post it publicly. This list has done nothing but make you, Miss. Recruitment, look shallow, ungrateful, high maintenance and just plain mean. I don't think I can begin to put into words how disappointed I am to see that a female would be so demanding and unappreciative in her relationship.

Christmas isn't even about the gifts. Honestly if anyone should be getting gifts, it should be my homeboy Jesus. It is his birthday after all. Besides that, Christmas is about being with your loved ones and being able to treasure the time you have with them. It's about taking time to reflect on the year and remember all the incredible times you've had and remember how blessed you are to have what and who you have in your life.

Christmas isn't a time to demand expensive gifts from people, especially your boyfriend. I don't know if you noticed Miss, but considering you're a grad student according to your bio on TSM, you should fully be aware that the millennial generation is struggling now more than ever. We are in a tremendous amount of debt while working our a**es off to afford our phones, cars, and living expenses. Long story short, we aren't all made of money and you should understand that.

I can already tell that your boyfriend has done everything he has to keep you happy with whatever demands you have made and I can already tell that you don't deserve him. Actually, I don't think you deserve anybody at the moment. I think you need to take some time to self-reflect on what your expecting out of the people around you. I think you need some time to really look at what you already have and learn how to appreciate it.

I pray that this holiday season your boyfriend doesn't give you anything you requested him to not get you. I pray that instead you get a wake up call about how good you have it. I pray that you're not as horrible as a person as you portray yourself online. I pray that you learn how to be grateful for the life and things you've been given, and I hope for your sake you learn all these lessons before you lose everything.

I could go on and on about this, but I think I've said enough. I'm sure you're going to get a lot of backlash for this piece you've written either way. But as a girl who's in a relationship and doesn't depend on the material things to keep it alive, This girl has a relationship that depends on trust, communication, loyalty, selflessness, understanding and a whole lot of love and honestly, I'm as happy as I could ever be - without any materialistic items. At the end of the day, the physical things can only do so much for us compared to the relationship we share with the ones around us. So treasure the experiences and the memories, because that is what you're going to remember when you're old and gray - not the Michael Kors purse you now have in the back of your closet.

P.S. To Miss. Recruitment's boyfriend, if you've had enough of her sh*t, I have plenty of single friends who will be okay with a pair of fuzzy socks and love you for it.

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