Keep on rocking, girlfriend.
When I sit down and think of my future, I imagine my boyfriend becoming my husband and us both killing it at life. I imagine a beautiful house sitting on a good bit of property with two great danes running around freely. I imagine us living in a Godly home surrounded and doing life with all of our friends and family. I also imagine a 5 a.m. alarm clock going off for me to get to the hospital on time and not having to worry about who is going to keep the kids that day.
Ya see, God did not intend for my sole purpose on this earth as a woman to be to cook, clean and reproduce. He just didn't. When He made me He said, "There is a little spitfire. She is going to change the world one day."
I pray with my entire heart that I will have a successful career one day, that I will be able to make an impact on someone's life, every single day that I step into my workplace. And yes, I do also pray, Lord willing, that I will be able to hear the words "mommy! come here!" every five seconds of my day. But I do not want that right now. Or anytime soon. And I think that is perfectly OK.
Being a southern woman, this is so not the norm. I am surrounded by young adults and women that all dream about being a mom one day and always say, "Oh my, I want a baby right now!" I have never felt that way, and in some cases, I feel guilty for not. Women strive to stay-at-home mommas and that is just not me. I strive to have a career. I want to be that sexy working wife my husband comes home to every day.
Now, I do want to be a mommy one day. I want to hold a precious miracle from God and look over at my husband knowing that the angel we are holding will be loved for the rest of its life. But I have goals I want to accomplish first. I think more women need to have dreams they want to aspire to before having to commit to a lifetime (well technically 18 years, but I am older than 18 and my mom still takes care of me) of taking care of another human.
So, to the girl who dreams more of her future career, you keep on doing you, honey. You look college in the eye and you tell it who is boss. Do not give in to what the world around you says is your job as a woman. It is because you ARE a woman that you can do so much. Keep on rocking, girlfriend.