To The Girl Who Doesn't Think She's Good Enough | The Odyssey Online
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To The Girl Who Doesn't Think She's Good Enough

Just remember, you have to see it and believe it before you expect anyone else to.

To The Girl Who Doesn't Think She's Good Enough

In our society, we face all kinds of judgment and ridicule. What we wear, how we act, who we associate with, where we live: it all leaves us subject to the harsh opinions and words of others. We tell ourselves not to care and to let our own self-confidence outshine the negativity and shade thrown at us by the haters, but unfortunately, it's not always that simple. We're programmed to feel and to consider; it's part of our humanity. We want to believe we're good enough for anything and anyone. It's just that, at times, our minds let us wander to the dark side.

This article is here to let you know you're not alone and to show you that you are and always will be good enough. Just remember, you have to see it and believe it before you expect anyone else to.

Words Are Powerful, But So Is Your Mind

We've all been in that situation where someone gossips about us or straight-up tells us something offensive to our faces. And it hurts. We think about how many people are talking about us, the thoughts that are running through people's minds when they simply look at us, the reason why someone would go out of their way to inflict pain upon us. It's okay to think about that, but only to a certain extent. There comes the point where you have to save yourself. It may be the hardest damn thing you have done or ever will do, but you have to come to the realization that for all the negativity out there, there is still positivity. You just have to be willing to go search for it. Programming your mind to do this is no easy task, but it's beyond worth it. Don't do it for anyone else besides yourself. You owe yourself that much to see all the beauty and worth you possess.

How You See Yourself Is What Really Matters

You are the only one capable of achieving happiness for yourself. You can look to others for assistance, but in the end, it's all up to you. Think about it, your friends and family can make you happy (duh), but you're the only one who can give them the power to do such a thing. My advice is to look in the mirror. Go ahead, do it right now. And find what you view as flaws. Is it your curves? Your freckles? Your scars? Whatever it may be, embrace it. You're probably thinking I'm crazy, but I promise you I am not. It is in flaws that beauty arises. No one person looks like you and you are beautiful. You'll hear all the time, "it's what's on the inside that truly matters." And yes, that is the truth. But, be beautiful in that respect and see yourself as beautiful in other respects. Nothing is more appealing or attractive as a girl who loves herself for who she is.

Accept The Nonexistence of Perfection

Perfection will never exist. No matter how much you wish it to or believe you see it. Everyone has insecurities and flaws of their own. Just like everyone has minds that are sensitive to the thoughts and judgments around them. Don't live your life striving to achieve perfection because I'm sorry hunny, but that would just be wasting your life away. Instead, live it appreciating the small things and making the most out of every opportunity and experience that comes your way. And along the way, keep reminding yourself that you are every bit of beauty as you wished you could be. You're simply locked away from seeing it until you devote your life to seeking for positivity: especially in yourself.

You're More Than Good Enough

One day, you'll realize it. You'll realize that every little bit of you has always been good enough. Don't make that day be on your death bed. Give as much might and fight into seeing it as soon as you possibly can so you can live your life on the thrills and not the worries. I know you can do it. You can do anything.

You may think that I'm just another writer sitting here writing another article just for the sake of writing an article. But, here's where I break it to you: that is not why I am doing this. I am doing it to fill you in on all your worth and all your beauty. As each day passes by, wake up in the morning and say to yourself, "I am more than good enough," and go to bed saying the same words. And don't say it without meaning. Say every word from the heart.

This is where you start a whole new journey.

Best of luck babes.

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