As any high school senior is well aware of, “small talk” often takes one of two forms:
“Where are you going to college” or
“What’s your major?”
For so long, I didn’t have these answers or at least answers that I wanted to share with perfect strangers, to those questions. I’m still not sure about the second.
Here’s why I want to go into college undeclared.
The four years that I spend in college are completely up to me. For the first time in my life, I will not be obligated to take courses in which I have no interest. (Precalculus, I'm looking at you…) For the last time in my life, I will be free from the stressors of “adulting.”
So, in those years, I want to dive headfirst into whatever fields of study strike my fancy and make the most of every opportunity that my school affords me.
Moreover, I’m someone who tries to plan everything in my life to a T, but I want to throw that part of myself by the wayside in college. I want to show myself that it’s okay to make mistakes every once in a while.
I believe that I don’t have to have my entire future mapped out by the time I’m nineteen years old.
I believe that I can succeed in whatever I do... as long as I put my mind to it.
I believe that the next four years will be the very best of my life and that ultimately I can choose to pursue any career - no matter what I major in.
So, to the girl who doesn't have it all figured out…
Me neither. And I’m okay with that for now.
I’m taking a piece of advice from my favorite poem, Montaigne’s “How to Live,” and letting my life "be its own answer."