Girl code is what keeps our world running. Us girls live by a simple set of rules that make sure we all live in harmony with each other. Girl code applies to every girl you will meet in life, whether it is your best friend or that girl you just met who sits next to you in class. We have to have each other's backs because there is a whole world out there that doesn't. Here are 10 Rules of Girl Code that keep the world sane:
1. Never take your girls for advantage.
Don't take your girls for advantage because they will go to the ends of the earth for you. Go through life knowing that and remembering that. Relationships end, but your girls will be by your side until the end.
3. If your friend is happy, be happy for her.
If your bestie got the promotion she wanted, then be happy for her. If she got a cute date, be happy for her. If your friend is happy, you're happy.
4. Be the wing woman you'd want to have by your side.
"Have you met..." Girl, be the wing women you would want by your side.
5. Give compliments like free candy... and actually mean it.
Give each other compliments! It literally makes a girl's day to hear the sweetest little thing. We already spend so much time breaking ourselves down, so it's nice to hear positives. And for gosh sakes, mean it. We don't want to hear any backhanded compliments, just be genuine.
6. Rescue a girl in need.
Need a phone call to get away from a bad date, I got you. Need someone to pretend to be you girlfriend to get you away from a creep, I got you. Need a tampon, I got you. The point is,you rescue a fellow girl in need because at the end of the night, that could be you.
7. If your bestie hates someone, they are enemy #1.
If your bestie has an enemy, you have an enemy. That boy who broke her heart, yeah he sucks... I don't care if he is super cute, it's your duty to have your besties back. If she has an enemy, you have an enemy.
If a fellow girl asks for your advice, just be honest. If she asks if you like her outfit, BE HONEST. Nobody wants to hear your fake opinion, we want the truth.
9. Support your fellow women.
Stop trying to knock each other down, start building each other up. There's a whole world out there trying to break us down, we don't need to do that to one another.
10. Private conversations stay private.
If I tell you something in private, it better stay that way. I don't care if it's an inside joke, a code name for a cute guy, or a big secret. If it tell you something, I better not hear that everybody and their mother knows it too.
Keep the rules of girl code with you as you go through life because when we have each other's backs, girls run this damn world.