When it comes to dating these days, it seems like we all want what we can't have. Rather than showing interest in those who have made it known that they are interested in us, we long for the chase. We show interest in those with little to no interest in us whatsoever.
According to The Urban Dictionary, "the chase" is "one person's romantic pursuit of another, oftentimes not fueled by the actual desire of a relationship." Though this is one possible meaning for 'the chase,' I believe that 'the chase' can also refer to those who desire relationships as well.
Why do we desire 'the chase?' Because there is something satisfying about wanting, and getting what you did not think was attainable. This feeling is similar to the satisfaction people that people get from achieving goals that others said they couldn't and proving people wrong. Or, achieving a personal goal that was difficult in every sense of the word.
We have all been in situations where we longed for something that seemed to be out of reach. No matter what, or for whom we are longing, there are always situations where we find ourselves getting close to what we want most, which gives us false hope of ever truly grabbing hold of what we want.
'The chase,' and wanting things that are not particularly good for us, have become a bad habit of those living in today's day and age. I will never be able to explain why we wait around for people who are not worth our time, or why we put ourselves in the position to get heartbroken time and time again.
It seems that we are lowering our standards to get what we think we deserve when in reality we deserve much more than that. There have been many instances where I have cared for people much more than they have cared for me and I knew that, yet I kept holding on and went along for the ride.
For some reason, I loved the chase and I thought someday, if I tried hard enough they would one day be mine.
Girls, if you find yourself in this situation and in the position that I have put myself in, this is my warning to you to run away and don't look back. Don't be the right girl waiting around for the wrong guy. There are so many guys out there that would do anything to be your everything.
Do not let the wrong guy waste your time.
If a guy is not reciprocating the same love and energy that you show him, then he is not the right guy for you. The right guy will come around when you're caught off-guard and when you least expect it. Just wait, it will happen, I promise.
So, instead of chasing someone that does not seem interested no matter what you do, don't chase at all. Don't settle, just wait for the love that you deserve.