We have all had those moments when something happens and you think "girl bye". When those moments happen with our best friends, sometimes you just have to say something.
1. When she says she's going to be single forever
We know she's fantastic, and so does she, don't let her fool you.
3. When she calls someone else her best friend.
That's a double "girl bye" for you and the girl that thinks she can steal my best friend.
4. When she comes out in an outfit that is too bad to ignore.
Girl bye, you better go change that outfit.
5. When she tries to dance but she's too drunk.
I am saying this with your and my best interests at heart, girl bye, you need to stop.
6. When she suggests going to the gym instead of going to get pizza and wine.
Girl bye, I made it through today, I deserve this.
7. When she tries to play innocent about something that you know she did.
Girl bye, quit lying. We all know you did dance with that ridiculously weird guy last Thursday after too many cranberry vodkas.
8. When she says no to hanging out with you for no reason.
You know you have nothing better to do, girl bye.