You probably don't have time to read this article. There are about 18 other things you need to be doing right now but for some reason, you're scrolling through facebook, taking quizzes, reading articles, and catching up on who is in the latest Facebook official relationship.
I am also the always busy girl but I somehow make time for the above.
My friends have asked me how am I always busy on too many occasions. And honestly, I am not sure. I have to check my planner when someone asks me to hang out with them. I have things scheduled out to the hour and not much time for leeway. But, I like being the busy girl. I think sometimes that I would like to have nothing to do, but who really wants nothing to do? You could be out making memories and meeting new people. I complain about being busy, but really I wouldn't have it any other way. Sometimes, it is nice to have nothing to do but somehow, even then, I find myself starting a new project.
I had a teacher that told me once that I couldn't do everything. That I needed to learn how to say 'no' to things I knew I wouldn't have time for. That's the problem, though, I think I can do it all. You need me to make up a routine or take pictures of the upcoming football game while I am cheering, no problem. For the longest time, I thought I had these abilities to do all and to do all well.
I took my teacher's advice and honestly it is hard to say no. I want to be involved and make people's lives easier by helping them out. I need a few more of me to do all things in my daily schedule. But that's not a possibility.
I am slowly accepting the truth. That I am not superwoman. That it is okay to decline a few things now and then. But always say yes to a night out with your BFFs because those are the nights you realize what being young is all about. It is about staying on top of your school work and meeting deadlines.
But it is also about making a few mistakes and learning a few too many lessons.