Nearly 18 years ago, one of the best days of my life came to be. I had prayed and prayed for a little brother, and on this day he would come into the world, little did I know he would become my very best friend. He was more than I could ever imagine, and as the years pass, he keeps on amazing me as he grows into a young man. It feels like yesterday I was forcing him to be my backup singer and dressing him up (as much as mom would allow). We used to build forts between our beds and play for hours while watching marathons of Bear in the Big Blue House; I am not sure where the time went. Those days were truly golden and laid the foundation for a bond that will never be broken.
As he nears graduation from high school, I can not help but see myself in him and I only hope that his next chapter is much smoother for him than it was for me. With this next chapter comes a lot of "new": Not living at home, becoming your own person, making decisions that will affect the rest of your life, and even potentially finding your soul-mate. And while I could focus on any one of those "new" things, I would like to focus on the girl out there that will one day make my brother into a husband, a father and the man he is meant to be.
I have no clue who you are, where you are from, what decisions you are making today, I do not even know your name, but I do know that one day you will become part of my family. I hope your journey is shaping you into the woman you need to be for my brother, I pray you have strong Godly influences in your life, and I pray that your current or future heartbreaks are only preparing you for something so much better. I have never had a sister, in fact, the majority of my extended family is predominantly male. However, I am looking forward to the day I do meet you, and I hope we have a friendship like no other. As far as advice I would give you on my first little brother....
well sit tight sis, because I have a lot to tell you:
1. He has the biggest heartÂ
He loves with his whole heart, from the time he was very young all the way until today. I think he has become a little more protective with showing that side of himself for a while now, but I promise you he still has it. When he was really young, every time we would go on trips he was always looking for gifts to take home to everyone else. He is still that way today; he likes everyone to be smiling.
2. He has big emotions
I'm going to warn you, sometimes this is not the best thing. I hope you have a whole lot of patience. He has a temper, he gets his feelings hurt fairly easily, and he does not like to be wrong (but what man does?). He is working on his temper, and I am praying that one day he knows exactly how to control it and he can look back and learn so much from it. He is very tender, while he would never let the public know this, he does get his feelings hurt and you will learn exactly the face he has when they are hurt. This is also so good though because you will never have to worry about him opening up to you; he wants to let people know how he feels and I admire that about him. While his big emotions may come as a challenge, I truly believe they are shaping him into a very well rounded young man.
3. He is the very best companionÂ
From day one he has made me smile a lot more, his hugs are out of this world, and he will always take time to listen to you. He has sat and listened to me rant about my parents, about school and about my many boy troubles through the years. And let me just tell you, he is the very best at it. He will know exactly how to take care of you, he will love you on the hard days and be your biggest fan throughout life. He will watch chick flicks with you, make you laugh when you want to cry and always defend you. He is truly the best thing a girl could have.
4. He has been taught how to respect womenÂ
Props to my mom and dad on this one, they have raised a gentleman. Even though he can be a handful at times, not have the best hygiene and sometimes be in the worst of moods, he truly does know how to be a gentleman. My mom and dad have instilled very strong morals into him, and he has been raised to treat women according to God's word. He has watched my mom and dad love each other all the time and has watched how great my dad is to my mom. For this, you should be very thankful.
5. He will always be mine first, but I hope one day he finds you
I am so protective of my brother, hearing him cry or seeing him upset truly hurts me. I have watched him go through heartbreaks, be made fun of and just have bad days; none of those things were fun. As I watch him transition into the next chapter of his life, I am truly praying for both you and him. You will both have baggage, past mistakes and will have your own flaws, but I truly believe my God uses every detail to create each beautiful and unique couple. He has been my best friend my whole life and while the bond between us will never break, I hope one day his heart will fall in love with yours, and he will become your best friend.
At the end of the day, these are only a few things about my little brother. There is still so much you will learn about him. Just know that the day you find him, you will know you are loved and you will have found someone you can truly trust. While this day may be years down the road, know today, wherever you may be and whatever you are going through, you have been prayed for by me. I am looking forward to meeting you one day sis.
Until then, be the best you can be every day.
In Love, His best friend for now.