Freedom is near. You've been held down for so long under the suffocating weight of permission slips, parent/guardian signatures, and crippling rules (that you might've broken). Get ready; it's almost your time to decide.
But enjoy minor status while it lasts. You might think you're all grown up, but you're just getting started. Momma says there are people out there who are just waiting to prey on the weak and naïve. Don't be scared; be smart. You can't fear what's to come because time is never going to stop to let you catch up.
Speaking of time, there's never going to be enough of it. It's going to feel like a rollercoaster ride, and you're not going to want to miss your chance. Things might start out slow, but once the deadlines come, the days and weeks and months will fade before you know it. Time probably won't ever be on your side--actually, it never is when you're waking up late for your 8:00 AMs.
There will be highs and lows. Staying healthy is the most important thing. If you need a break, find a way to get away. Keep an eye on those stress levels; don't let them spike.
Be prepared to everything. This time in life is your trial and error period. You'll fail in class and out...but you'll learn. It's not the end of the world. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture.
Find your voice. There are so many words up there in that big brain of yours, and they're dying to come out. People want to hear from you, but you've got to let them. Be prepared to get involved, and take advantage of your opportunities. Someone's going to be proud of you for it.
Someone has told you that college is a place where you'll find yourself, but know that it doesn't happen overnight. You've been waiting for college for so long, and I can promise that it's finally going to happen.
To the girl I was before college: you're on the right track. Stay gold.